Shim Space is a essay co-written with Professor Robert Condia meditating on the portal tomb at Kilclooney. It appeared in Lantern Journal, Volume II, Issue 1. Please follow the link for the complete essay.
Abstract: Confronted by the image, or the ruin of the Kilclooney Dolmen, one senses the presence of the architect’s hand across at least five millennia. What Neolithic rites of time or space may be discerned from a monument of such weight, persistence, and seemingly impossible construction? Why was such precision given to the placement of the massive cap-stone? Why was the work sited just here, on the open shoulder of a valley, among the hills and mountains? And are we willing from our modern conceit to give credit to the exactitude of the craft of this object? Our meditations are an architect’s reverie of suspicions, speculations, and analysis about the form, time, shim, alignment, and craft of the Kilclooney Portal Tomb, Donegal County, Ireland